If you can hit a chickpea, you can hit anything

I’m a sucker for a good story and especially for a good story behind a new business in baseball. Last year, I got to meet Rick Weaver and Justin Kuhn, who started Krato Spoorts (we will have a follow up this weekend!) and this year, I met Felix Fernandez.

Growing up in the Bronx, Felix would hit chickpeas to improve his hitting skills. When he got the chance to create a tool to make that easier for players to try, he started FLE-Innovations. So now we can all try to hit them all!

I was leaning in and Angel Jorge, who’s working for Felix part-time, saw my interest and built on it. The little machine fires bio-degradable balls for you to hit – each the size of a chickpea! You don’t need a partner. You don’t need a field or a net. You could be in a tiny yard just big enough for you to swing in, or next to a chain link fence (hook the machine to the fence!) or just about anywhere. The balls disintegrate on impact and biodegrade over team.

They’re running a $50 off special, so the machine and your first 120 balls are $199.99. You can get another 400 for $25 and 800 balls for $40.

Felix is here in Booth #2812 at ABCA 2023 and there was a swarm around their booth. Get in there!

While you’re there, congratulate Felix on his baby (his wife isn’t here so she can care for their 9-month-old).